July 2021 at PEXA Melbourne (at PEXA Melbourne)

Option 1 The works by Grace Bailey, Olga Dziemidowicz and Jan Reid join together creating an exhibition of flora and fauna that surrounds us. Bailey's animal portraits injunction with Dziemidowicz and Reid's the water and air representations of nature's elements balances one another with dark and light hues. Option 2 Natalya Stone and Alex Bridge present their interpretations and presentation of the natural landscapes from an aerial view and expressionistic one. From the air Natalya shows the earth presenting wonderful patterns. As Alex works focus on a specific subject matters which describes wintry sunlight on a tangle of blackberry and brambles with the undergrowth of sharp thorns, velvety berries and leathery leaves dusty from lack of rain. The brushstrokes are loose and evocative creating a pattern as seen in Natalya's works.

Artworks on display

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