Geraldine Kafer

Artist bio

Hi I am Gerri Kafer, I am an emerging artist living in and painting in the Illawarra area of NSW, Australia. My background is in Interior Design/Graphic Art which is quite noticeable in my various art works, through the use of bold colours and the thick or fine outlines.
I work in a wide selection of mediums including oils, acrylic, water colour, inks, charcoal and pencil.
I love painting various landscapes and flowers with textures from a palette knife, old credit card, tissue paper. old dried up paint and whatever else is in my studio at the time.
My style is very much based on my mood at the time and at the moment I am venturing into portrait sketching, collage work which I am finding it both challenging and fun.
I have three exhibitions up my sleeve now my most recent one was last December 2019 at Fern Street Art Gallery in Geringong NSW, it was a wonderful experience and learning curve for me.

I create art because...

I love experimenting with design, texture and it makes me feel good.

I am different to most artists because...

I don't have the one style

When you look at my art, the thing I want you to feel is...


The thing I most want to say to non-artists is...

Enjoy what artists create

I believe art is an important part of our lives because...

It brings peace and happiness to your soul

Bring this collection to your space.
