Joel Pellicci

Artist bio

The environment as we experience it, or rather, “reality”, is predominantly a figment of our imagination – that is, of our image-making faculty.

It is these sentiments which defines my work and builds my narrative – ultimately, a man in search of the things that don’t change, such as what drives and concerns him, as well as the desire to connect, and for something or someone to believe in. Through the lens of my camera, my exploration of these and other issues goes to the heart of what I feel as some of life's big questions.

My most recent series of work were taken throughout the Japanese winter of 2019- 2020. My work originates from a deep curiosity for Japan and its people; a disposition that is luminous with acceptance. Every attempt has been to capture subjects in their most natural form; a fleeting glimpse between sensation and perception. Ultimately, my passage is filled with a comforting message: the beautiful knowledge of unity.

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