Kim McCarthy

Artist bio

I am a passionate artist who likes to play in all formats and really like to make colour a feature. I like to use texture and unusual objects or ideas in the creation of my art. I am self taught and use this to not limit where I go or how I get there. I work in paint, inks, photography and photomontage to allow my creativity boundless forms.

I create art because...

I enjoy the process of creativity and problem solving to challenge and stretch myself. I like to see the fruits of my labour and fondly recall the small details and the overall impact of the final works.

I am different to most artists because...

Not being schooled, I am free to create and go in ways that have not been prescribed. My imagination is my guide.

When you look at my art, the thing I want you to feel is...

Curiosity and pleasure.

The thing I most want to say to non-artists is...

We each have an outlet, and when you find one that resonates take it on with passion and curiosity.

I believe art is an important part of our lives because...

Art includes a piece of the artist. Their time, effort, thoughts, ideas, generosity and yes, creativity. Anything that makes you look and pause gives you something.

Bring this collection to your space.
