Rosie Thomas

Artist bio

Rosie is an artist living and working across photography, video, printmaking, sculpture and performance. Rosie's practice addresses the entangled process of thought and making and seeks to adopt 'falling' as a methodology. Connecting a physical experience of falling in ways of being, falling can become a generative exercise in expression, creativity, communication and failing. Rosie’s current work takes falling as a space of respite amongst the dystopic reality that we are presently faced with.

Her work has been shown in Sydney and Venice (Kudos Gallery, Verge Gallery, Airspace Projects, Articulate Project Space, Sydney College of the Arts and Live Arts Cultures Centre. They are the recipient of Scholarships from The University of Sydney (2016, 2017, 2019) along with being awarded the USU creative award for art (2018). Rosie has had her work written about in Backyard Opera, Terra Firma magazine, and FBI radio. The artist holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts (Hons) from The University.

I create art because...

It brings me a sense of comfort and contentment. Making work satisfies my endless curiosity and ideas. It's a compulsion that I can't help. I create art because I love considering serious ideas or human experiences playful.

I am different to most artists because...

I'm not different to most artists. Like most artists I believe in arts imperative to our society. Like other artists art is a space of hope and safety. I guess I would say I enjoy the process but I also find it uncomfortable. I'm also rarely content with the finished work. I'm just satisfied that I gave myself the chance to explore something I was curious about. I'm still not comfortable calling myself an artist. It feels a bit aristocratic and entitled. I'm not sure what I would call myself.

When you look at my art, the thing I want you to feel is...

A moment of wonder. A narrative that creates a sense of whimsy and curiosity. The feeling of wandering through thoughts and emotions.

The thing I most want to say to non-artists is...

Try viewing something in the world in a non-judgemental way and with an open heart. Let yourself get distracted and bored. Everyone has the capacity for creativity.

I believe art is an important part of our lives because...

It opens opportunities to lead a curious life. It affirms our humanity and prompts the asking of questions. Art is enriching for us as individuals and can promote connection between people.

Bring this collection to your space.
